We had the best shearing day since I can remember. The weather was warm, sunny and I had so many good friends to help manage the many activities that happen in a two-hour time frame.
The first task is to catch the sheep and keep them contained in the barn. This is no easy feat if you raise Jacob sheep you will understand. I have had many jump over a 4 foot wall like it was stepping over a log on the ground. Second is they do not like strangers nor do they like to be shorn.
I am very lucky to have friends who love to help and have become invaluable in during shearing day. Paul Corrigan, Liz Lennon and Suzanne Forbes have been coming to help for several years. Unfortunately Liz was not able to join us. However, I had friends from the North Country Spinners Guild come to help for the first time. Jean Sattler, Jill Lang and Eleanor came to help skirt the fleeces. This is the first time my fleeces were skirted during the shearing. I donated two fleeces to Jean for two sheep to shawl contests being held in later April and May.
I did not have much time to take pictures but my wonderful husband did. Check out the pictures on his blog at ThompsonPhotoArts